Fundraising for blood cancer clinical trials
With the Sydney Local Health District’s endorsement and support, Foundation for A Bloody Great Cause Limited was established in 2019 to further the objectives of The Bloody Great Committee, which has been fundraising for the world-leading blood cancer clinical trials at Concord Cancer Centre, Concord Hospital since 2013.
The Haematology Clinical Research Unit at Concord Hospital is the largest clinical research unit for blood cancers in NSW. It conducts world-leading clinical trials to access innovative therapies for Leukaemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma and other blood disorders.
More than 1000 patients have participated in this research and have benefited greatly from cutting-edge treatments, long before they are publicly available. For many patients, participating in our clinical research program is their only hope for a cure and a better quality of life.
Your support means that even more patients with blood cancers and other blood disorders can participate in these world-leading clinical trials – we thank you wholeheartedly.
Our sincere thanks to James Campisi for the generous donation of his time, providing legal advice and considerable work to make The Bloody Great Committee's dream of establishing a Foundation, a reality. We are eternally grateful.
Board of Directors
Marie Piccin – Chair
Community member
Prof Judith Trotman
Head of Haematology Department, Concord Cancer Centre, Concord Hospital
A/Prof Ilona Cunningham
Clinical Director Cancer Services and Palliative Care for Sydney Local Health District
Susan MacGregor
Community member
Rosanna Campisi - Company Secretary
Community member
Steven Nassibian
Community member
Paul Dovico - Director
Community member
Vale Mary Nassibian
A founding chair of the Fundraising Committee and in 2019 a founding director of the Foundation for A Bloody Great Cause. Mary’s vision of giving back to the Concord Haematology Clinical Research Unit, began our Fundraising journey in 2012. In 2022 the committee continuing her work has raised over a million dollars. Mary’s dedication to this cause, her artistic creativity through all five Bloody Great Night Out events, and her tireless fundraising efforts will be greatly missed, but more so her true friendship and warm smile.